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Spinal Tap in Real Audio
Big Bottom cover
Sample of bluegrass version of Tap classic by Hayseed Dixie,
from their album A Hillbilly Tribute to Mountain Love.
Practice, Practice, Practice
An interview with the band on National Public Radio's "Weekend
Edition," June 2, 2001 (9:30)
go to eleven." (100k)
Nigel: This is a top to ayou know, what we use on
stage, but it's very, very special because if you can see...
Marty: Yeah...
Nigel: The numbers all go to eleven. Look...right across
the board.
Marty: Ahh...oh, I see....
Nigel: Eleven...eleven...eleven....
Marty: ..and most of these amps go up to ten....
Nigel: Exactly.
Marty: Does that mean it's...louder? Is it any louder?
Nigel: Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten.
You see, most, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten.
You're on ten here...all the way up...all the way up....
Marty: Yeah....
Nigel: ...all the way up. You're on ten on your guitar..
where can you go from there? Where?
Marty: I don't know....
Nigel: Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is if we need that
extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
Marty: Put it up to eleven.
Nigel: Eleven. Exactly. One louder.
Marty: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten
be the top number and make that a little louder?
Nigel: These go to eleven.
even point at it." (20k)
Nigel: Don't touch it.
Marty: Well uh I wasn't, I wasn't gonna touch it. I was
just pointing at it...I....
Nigel: Well don't point, even.
Marty: Don't even point?
Nigel: No. It can't be played...never...
Marty: Can I look at it?
Nigel: No....no.
my love pump." (45k)
Nigel: Baaaaa...baaaaaa it's a horn part.
Marty: It's very pretty.
Nigel: Baaaa, baaaaa, yeah, just simple lines intertwining,
you know very much like, I'm really influenced by Mozart and
Bach, and it's sort of in between those, really, it's like a
Mach piece really.
Marty: What do you call this?
Nigel: Well, this piece is called "Lick My Love Pump."
Airport Scene (155k)
Airport Security Officer: Excuse me, sir, do you have any
metal objects in your pockets?
Derek: Yeah.
ASO: Take them out and put them in the bucket.
Derek: Coins, keys, tuning fork. Musician, I have to stay
in tune, you know, be a moment.
David: One more
ASO: Ok, would you take this jacket off please?
Derek: Oh, it's the zipper...setting off the machine.
David: Let's go then, let's go hurry up.
ASO: Step over here, please.....
David: Troublemaker!
ASO: Raise your arms.
ASO: Do you have any artificial plates or limbs?
Derek: Not really, no....
ASO: Uh...would you, umm......
David: Do it.
Nigel: Do it.
my ass for a man" (16k)
Artie Fufkin: Kick my ass, OK? Kick this ass for a man,
that's all. Kick my ass, enjoy! C'mon, I'm not asking, I'm telling
with this!
sophisticated view..." (32k)
Derek: You know, we've grown musically. I mean, listen
to some of the rubbish we did early on, it was stupid...
Marty: Yeah.
Derek: ...you know. Now, I mean a song like "Sex
Farm", we're taking a sophisticated view of the idea of
sex, you know, and music...
Marty: ...and putting it on a farm?
Derek: Yeah.
for its sustain..." (35k)
Nigel: The sustain...listen to it...
Marty: I'm not hearing anything.
Nigel: You would, though, if it were playing, because
it really ... it's famous for its sustain...I mean, you could,
just hold it....
Marty: Well I mean so you don't....
Nigel: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... You could go and have a bite
an'...aaaaaaaaa...you'd still be hearin' that one.
Song Samples: Soundtrack
Samples from each song on the album except Rock
and Roll Creation and Listen to the Flower People, @ Amazon
Song Samples: Break
Like the Wind
Samples from each song on the album, @ Amazon
Samples: Rock N' Roll Creation
A special treat from Joe Blevins of the Spinal Tap FUQ, sung
by Joe Blevins of the Spinal Tap FUQ.
of Harry Shearer
Harry offers Real Audio files of "Fine line
between stupid and clever" and "He choked on vomit,"
as well as Real Video of the airport scene.