Spinal Tap A to Zed

Xanadu Star Theater: Before playing this Cleveland auditorium in 1982, Tap became lost in the bowels of the building for 45 minutes while Marty DiBergi trailed with a camera. This scene, like the pod sequence, caused considerable anger among the band members after they screened DiBergi’s work. Derek: "Did you ever see us finding the stage? It’s just common sense that we had to have found the stage, isn’t it? But [DiBergi] doesn’t show that. He loads the dice, and then refuses to throw them." (IST) During one scene DiBergi filmed but did not include, the boys split up while Nigel acts as a beacon, chanting, "Hello, hello, please find me, hello, hello, hello...." During another, this dialogue takes place: Nigel: "Logically we should say, ‘Have we tried all the ways possible?’ " Derek: "Yes, we have." Nigel: "So we should be there." Derek: "We’re there now, logically." Nigel: "Logically, we’re playing right now, but we’re not there." Derek: "So fuck logic. Let’s go." By the time the band found the stage, much of the audience had left, angering Derek: "It is a tradition that you wait for Tap."