Spinal Tap A to Zed

Backwards Masking: Despite claims by anti-fun crusaders that "Christmas for the Devil" contains hidden messages if played backwards, David has insisted that it’s another Tap song that has hidden messages. Band biographer Peter Occhiogrosso says David once told him "the message is something like, ‘Hey, you’re playing the record backwards—turn it around.’ But he couldn’t remember which album it was and he ruined his turntable spinning them all backwards by hand trying to find it." In 1982, Nigel had hinted that it is "Christmas" which contains masking. The band "phonetically figured out what we’re doing and tried to sing backward" in the studio because they didn’t realize you could achieve the effect electronically. (HS) What Tap says in the masking—if anything—has been the subject of much debate. Occhiogrosso points out that the picture disk of the single has visual backwards masking, which may be where the confusion began. "You look at it normally and it looks like a picture of Tap," he says. "But if you play it backwards it looks like Satan."