Spinal Tap A to Zed

Skaface: Derek was a member of this all-white Jamaican band before joining Tap. Its best songs would later appear on compilation albums such as "Still More Intensified! Original Ska 1964-68 (The White Years)" and "Saturday Night in Toxtoth," but Derek was not credited on either. (SV) Skaface made a small splash on "Rockskjevag," a Swedish TV program, and bootleg tape of an early performance, "Can’t Stop Sitting," has been traded for apples and other fruit by destitute white Ska fans for years. Derek: "My hair was very short back then. I was going for the look of a black man who was trying to straighten his hair to look white, but I was white, so I had it to begin with." (SV) Band broke up following the 1965 Boxing Day riots and Derek returned to art school until Tap came calling.