Spinal Tap A to Zed

Season’s: Cleveland restaurant (since closed) at which Tap discussed reviving Stonehenge during the 1982 tour. Marty DiBergi filmed as Nigel wrote the measurements on a napkin for a foam Stonehenge monument to be used during the band’s next performance. Ian promised to take care of it. The question of whether the band was getting the drabs would come up again, in scenes that DiBergi cut from his film. Before a session at Rainbow Trout Recording Studio that ends in a shouting match, for instance, Nigel suggests the band has lost its edge. David laughs aloud at the suggestion, and Nigel accuses him of "making a joke out of [the situation]." David shoots back, "I wasn’t making a joke out of it. I was doing a sort of joke-like slant on the serious side of this." DiBergi would later say that he realized while filming this scene that it was "the beginning of the end" for the band. See also Astrology; Deutsch, Polly; Dubly.